Monday, March 12, 2007

Experimenting with Text

Well, it is definitely taking me more than three hours but the good news is I discovered some things about text. I am grateful for 2MPT and their tutorial on Text as it helped me a great deal.
Anyway, this first photo I had to change a few things. There is a sign under The World Flag that said Guatemala. Since I extracted the Guatemala flag and replaced it with the World Flag I now had to change the sign. So with a few layers the new sign reads now reads The World Flag.I also had to replace the mini Guatemala flag on the sign with a mini BLU Flag.
I then lightened the dark shadow of the flag and proceeded to add text. I created a circular path for; World Flag Flys in Philadelphia, and a straight path for; March 2007. I created layer styles and added a darker stroke, gradient overlay, color overlay, satin, texture, and outerglow. I felt it really let the text pop and gave it some added dimension. I picked this photo as I am really enjoying seeing The BLU Flag fly all over Philadelphia. When I first had the vision to create the flag I was shown the flag flying all over the world. So this is a great start.